Thursday, February 24, 2022

Tips For Purchasing Indoor Signs


Are you looking to replace your existing indoor signs or install new ones? Make sure you read this guide to find the ideal signage for your business. We’ll tell you what you should look for to get the most value and utility from your signs.

What’s the most important thing you need to be aware of before purchasing interior signs?

It’s okay to not have a crystal clear idea about what’s “perfect” for your business. Often, people discover new signage options after speaking to a professional sign company.

That said, you should have a clear idea about other factors such as your budget and customization options available. Here are four things that you should bolt down before you invest in any signs.

1. Have an Idea About How Much You Want to Spend.

Try and have a clear idea about how much you want to spend on your new signs. Different types of indoor signs for business can cost anywhere from a couple of bucks to thousands of dollars. You want to ensure your signs are meeting your business goals and budget.

Make sure you keep a ballpark figure in your mind when speaking to a sign specialist because that will focus your decisions on obtaining maximum value for your signage systems. Don’t be shy talking about this to your signage company, they’ll have worked on hundreds of projects and will be able to tell you how to make the most out of your budget.

2. Know Why You Are Buying Signs.

Different types of indoor signage serve different purposes. Interior signage can be used for everything from promoting sales, improving customer experience, and telling people to maintain a proper physical distance from each other to follow COVID-19 protocols.

It’s tempting to get a single indoor sign for businesses to do the job of many, which can be a mistake. A sign that shows your branding highlights a sale and shows directions is only going to confuse visitors. Discuss indoor signage ideas with a signage pro to understand how you can maximize the impact of your signs.

3. Understand Your Customization Options Before Purchasing Indoor Signs.

We often tell customers, “You have one chance to make an impression, better make it a good one!”. It’s not good enough to settle for standard signs. You need to install personalized indoor signs that will match your surroundings and branding.

4. Work with a Reputed Company for Purchasing Indoor Signs in Edmonton.

Search for “indoor signs near me” on Google and you’ll see hundreds of companies appear, most of which you’ve probably never heard of. Try and establish bona fides – such as their previous projects and if they’ve worked with notable Edmonton establishments.

Talk to the people at the signage company too. Experienced signage professionals can give you indoor signage ideas, not just say “Yes” to anything you say.

Purchasing Interior Signs in Edmonton?

Whether you’re a pro at signage or ordering your first set of signs, 3Sixty Sign Solutions is the team for you. We make identifying, ordering, and installing indoor signs in Edmonton as easy as it can be.

Talk to us about the types of indoor signage you’re looking for.  We can help you customize them for your business.

Sunday, January 23, 2022

Wall Murals: Let the Walls Speak for Your Brand


Are you looking to make your business stand out in Edmonton? Then wall murals are the best choice for you!

Gone are the days of wallpaper. Even wall paint is becoming obsolete when compared to the numerous benefits murals can bring to your business by spreading your message to the world. Murals are a fantastic and effective way to add creativity to your space and step outside the box. It helps to make your commercial space more inviting and attractive to both your employees and potential customers.

So why are murals becoming the superior choice to decorate your walls? There are numerous benefits to wall murals in Canada. Here are just a few benefits we have gathered:

Wall Murals Can Be Made from A Variety of Materials

Mural wallpaper is highly customizable to fit your needs, budget and specifications. You can choose everything from the text to the image displayed, and of course, the material you use! Here are a few of the options we offer:
  • Photo Text: If you’re looking for a material that is easy place on a flat surface and can be removed and reused, this is for you.
  • Textured Wall Vinyl: Perfect for indoor and outdoor walls, this material lets you place a mural on brick or concrete and can be long-lasting and durable in a variety of weather conditions
  • Fabric Murals: If you’re looking to avoid any glare once installed, then this is a great choice to be installed on a full wall or even in a small meeting room.

Murals Bring in Foot Traffic

When potential customers are walking by your store, one of the most effective ways to make them stop and enter your business is an attractive looking commercial space – both on the inside and outside. A business that showcases a unique and eye-catching custom mural will stand out from the rest of the businesses on your block. Interior wall murals in Canada can additionally create buzz for your business with your customers.

Wall Murals Generate Online and Social Media Attention

Word-of-mouth is a crucial and effective way to advertise your business, and with everyone on social media, it’s an important avenue for your business to explore. A beautiful mural attracts lots of attention and generally leads to customers taking pictures with it, in turn uploading them to social media and generating high attention and buzz towards your business. No better ROI than getting free advertising!

3Sixty Sign Solutions: Custom Wall Murals in Canada For Your Business in Edmonton, AB

3Sixty Sign Solutions offers a full range of mural wallpaper options to fully suit all your business needs, budget, and specifications. Contact us today to book your complimentary consultation and to receive a personalized quote.


Thursday, December 9, 2021

Storefront Branding Should Never Be Ignored


First impressions count and creative window decals are unparalleled at generating leads and converting prospects to customers. Hundreds, maybe thousands, of people pass by storefronts, basically making them large unused billboards.

Custom window graphics are a great way to build brand awareness and they offer exceptional return on investment. Read on to find out how you can supercharge your brand and raise your bottom line in the process.

Benefits of Storefront Window Graphics

Attract attention

Large custom window graphics reflect the creativity of the business and are a direct reflection of its branding. Vibrant designs and catchy messaging are the secret to decals that make passers-by turn around for a second look. A study by Fedex Office found nearly 80% of people visit a store based on its signs.

Create curiosity

Decals pique curiosity by creating mystery. Since the storefront is obscured, people are unable to get a clear view and are compelled to step inside.  Once people enter the premises, you can use a number of other methods (and signs) to make their visit memorable and turn them into paying customers.

Build trust

Window decals have an inherent quality to build trust. Installed at eyelevel, graphics are intimate advertising and make a direct impact on shoppers’ perception of a business. Seeing a business invest in its image has a tremendously positive impact. People are more inclined to trust a business that is willing to tell its story.

It’s not just about your audience outdoors, think about interesting window decals for clients and customers who are inside your store.

Attain top of mind recall

Being the first business that people think of when they face a particular need – top of mind recall – is the holy grail that promoters aspire for. Storefront graphics help a business do exactly that, by increasing repeatedly promoting the business before audiences.

Agile promotion

Since window graphics can be installed and removed easily, take the opportunity to change messaging frequently. Many business owners customize their branding for the holidays, engaging audiences with an interesting twist.


Astute business owners in Edmonton know to look for cost-effective methods of branding – and window graphics are some of the best options around. They are relatively inexpensive to print and install; you don’t have to pay a large monthly fee to rent space to display them either.

High-quality Custom Window Graphics in Edmonton

At 3Sixty Sign Solutions we work with business across the city for their storefront window graphics. We can recreate any type of sign design, provide custom shapes, and offer a variety of materials for window decals. Business owners trust us to provide high quality graphics that will look immaculate on their storefront. Speak to a representative to find out how affordable quality window graphics can be.


Friday, September 24, 2021

Does Your Business Have These ADA Signs?

In Canada, 14 percent of the population (over the age of 15) has some sort of disability. This statistic includes vision problems, mobility challenges, hearing impairments, and many other types of disabilities. Furthermore, 75 percent of disabled Canadians have more than one disability.

Given the prevalence of disability among the population, it’s crucial that Canadian businesses make every reasonable accommodation to ensure accessibility. One of the best ways to achieve this is with ADA signs, also known as ADA compliant signs.

The term refers to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). While Canada has its own legislation relating to accessibility, the ADA signs standards established in the Act are excellent guidelines for any business.

Wayfinding Signage

You can think of wayfinding signage as initial orientation for your visitors. When someone arrives at your building, they need to get oriented within the overall space. Some common questions are:

  • Where is the parking lot?
  • Which door should I use to enter?
  • Where can I find the lobby? How about the reception desk?
  • If I’m making a delivery, is there a deliveries or shipping area I should locate?
  • In the case of a multi-building complex, what are the other buildings? What are their purposes? How do I navigate to them?

For all of these products, 3Sixty Signs will ensure that your ADA signs meet all applicable standards, including techniques such as braille, raised/tactile letters, high contrast design, large type, and more.

Directional Signage

In this category, you’ll find ADA compliant signs that help direct visitors to certain destinations within your building. Those destinations could take many forms.

Here are just a few:

  • Exit signs, directing people to the nearest exit. These can be added for visitor convenience or to meet local regulations such as fire codes.
  • Directional signage for building areas, wings, zones, or divisions. For example, a medical clinic might have directional signs such as “Waiting Room,” “X-Ray Clinic,” “Patient Restrooms,” and so on.

Buildings services, facilities, and amenities. For example: cafeteria, business services center, gym, and swimming pool.

Make Your Business More Accessible with ADA Signs

Ready to enhance your company’s accessibility? 3Sixty Signs is excited to help you meet all your ADA compliant signs needs. Contact us today to discuss your signage goals and receive your complimentary quote.


Monday, August 30, 2021

Lobby Signs Ideas: Create A Professional And Impressive Look

Reception Signs That Help You Make an Impact

When it comes to making your reception or office stand out, lobby signs are great. Make a memorable impression with professional signs for your business. They will go a long way to boosting brand awareness and recognition.

Signage in the lobby is one of the first points of contact that a visitor has with your business once they enter your reception area. That’s why a lot of planning has to go into creating the perfect signs.

The right designs will not only help your business stand out; they’ll leave a lasting impression too. Signs are also a great way to build trust and confidence with visitors.

At 3Sixty Sign Solutions, we know how important lobby and reception signs can be. It’s why our team has taken the time to list some ideas for your lobby.

Check them out below and hopefully, they’ll help you transform your space.

  1. Use 3D Signs 

3D designs have a unique way of making your lobby sign stand out and look professional. They are catchy and can easily grab the attention of anyone that walks into your lobby. 

Three-dimensional styles are great for making a bold statement and they are almost impossible to miss.

Another advantage of using 3D signs is that there’s no limit to what type of material you can use. When you work with a sign company like ours, you’re free to choose from a wide variety of materials.

Did you know, 68% of shoppers say they are influenced to make purchases by a store’s signage.

  1. Use Acrylic Signs

Acrylic signs are a great way to boost brand recognition. They are both visually appealing and easy to recognize. It’s why acrylic signs have long been considered the cornerstone of any professional space. 

The best part? Acrylic lobby signs let you get creative. When you work with a full-service sign company, you can customize every aspect of the sign. Other advantages of using acrylic signs include:

  • Lightweight build
  • Durability
  • Premium look
  • Ease of installation
  • Maintenance-free

To get started, reach out to a professional indoor signs manufacturer that can handle your needs. We’ll build signs that suit your branding and surroundings.

  1. Use Backlit signs 

Lighted signs are very popular in Edmonton – and with good reason. They’re eye-catching and hard to miss. Lighted lobby signs have a way of brightening up your space and enhancing the decor. 

Backlit and halo-lit signs, especially, are really eye-catching. They look premium and are perfect for making your business look upscale. 

Get Professional Signs for Your Lobby

Investing in professional custom reception signs for your business is one of the best investments you can make. They show that you value your business and you’re not leaving any detail to chance. 

But make sure you reach out to an expert indoor signs manufacturer for your signs. 

At 3Sixty Sign Solutions, we design, fabricate, and install professional signs. Talk to us about how we deliver unparalleled value for custom reception signs in Edmonton.


Thursday, April 29, 2021

How Vinyl Banners Spread Your Brand’s Message

Great business signage can not only increase the number of customers that walk through your door, but it can also boost brand awareness. Simply put, a recognizable brand image can be what puts you ahead of your competition and custom banners are a great way to accomplish just that. Banners and signs work well when it comes to increasing your exposure and making sure your brand is well-positioned in the minds of Edmonton consumers.

Eye-catching custom banners located in just the right place can introduce or remind people about your business. The result? Diverting more people into your location and positively impacting your bottom line. Adding custom vinyl banners to strategic locations may be just what you need to trigger greater visibility for your brand.

Three Ways Banners and Signs Support Your Brand

Custom banners are an ideal choice when it comes to promotional offers, announcements and other information that would successfully be communicated using temporary signage. Banners and signs are very versatile and are perfect for building in extra opportunities to get noticed. They can be completely customized by choosing fonts, colours, and graphics that work best for your brand.

More specifically, three ways that custom banners can amplify your brand are:

  1. Supporting your other marketing plans.

Custom vinyl banners are incredibly flexible, meaning that you can move them and transport them easily to help your brand stand out at new locations, events, and trade shows. They’re also a great investment to use seasonally for sales, promotions or seasonal business changes. In addition, banners aren’t just limited to supporting your brand outdoors. You can also use them to build excitement inside your California store as a way to draw attention to specials or limited time offers.

  1. Enhance brand visibility.

When you regularly put out custom banners, passersby will naturally start to take more notice leading to better brand recognition. Did you know that it takes at least seven exposures to the same message before people actually start recalling your brand? Why not use banners to help you build that recognition? As an added strategy, try using branded banners a few miles away from your location to increase your reach even more.

  1. Help build consistency.

Banners are a cost-effective way to help your brand appear in more places. By adding custom banners to your marketing strategy, you’re making a smart financial decision to expand your visibility without breaking the bank. Branded banners can help set the tone for other marketing pieces people may see and by using them in strategic locations you’ll be cementing the image you want customers to have.

Order Your Custom Banners From 3Sixty Sign Solutions

It’s important that any banners ordered to represent your company be high quality so that you experience no sagging. Poorly made banners will impact both readability and recognition. At 3Sixty Sign Solutions, our team uses the right materials and designs to ensure you get banners that deliver a strong brand image every time. Contact us and let us help you develop banners that will push your business to the next level.


Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Entice Customers Inside with Storefront Window Graphics

Lockdown after lockdown has taken a toll on main street businesses across Edmonton. Business owners, particularly restaurant and café owners, are looking for ways to recoup those lost sales. And with the holiday shopping season looming, storefront window graphics are the best way to get people ringing in through the front door.

Why do custom window graphics increase foot traffic and generate leads?

Inform, persuade and remind – those are the three goals of advertising. Window graphics are one of the best, most cost-effective ways of achieving that. They turn a blank store window into a large billboard. Their close proximity to the people they are advertising maximizes their effect. Finally, since graphics are usually quite informative, they help fill the sales funnel.

Storefront Window Graphic Allan Gray in Edmonton, AB

Find out how you can use storefront window graphics to bring more customers into your store.

1. Add a new dimension to your display

Mannequins standing forlornly in the storefront don’t translate into sales (or even interest) because they are too out of context. Use custom window graphics to set the stage and bring life to the storefront display. Basically, the goal is to add visual flair to your storefront and make people point and go “ooh”.

2. Talk about new products

‘New Arrivals’ – you must have seen that typical red poster in storefront windows in Edmonton at least once before. That is the least informative and engaging way of telling people you have something new in-store. Do you ever see Apple call its iPhone “Just another new phone?” Be descriptive and highlight what’s new and exciting about your new products and services with storefront window graphics.

3. ‘Tis the season(al sale) to be jolly

Black Friday, Christmas, Hanukkah, Boxing Day, New Year’s Day – the 2020 holiday shopping season is almost upon us! Get out your festive spirit and get ready for a couple of months of frantic sales and selling. Seasonal window graphics are a great way to decorate your storefront and get your audience in the mood for some holiday spending. Scrooge out now and your store may be skipped this season.

4. Show you are COVID-19 ready

Social distancing, masks and regular hand sanitizing have really helped keep infection numbers low in Alberta. No wonder people are basing buying decisions on whether a store is COVID-19 ready or not. Window decals boldly declaring the store ‘COVID-19 ready’ will encourage people to browse safely.

5. Talk up your new online store

A customer is a customer whether they visit your storefront or your website. Hundreds of businesses in Edmonton took their stores online to take orders during COVID-19. Promote your new website, Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook pages with window decals.

3Sixty Sign Solutions is proud to work with businesses across the city for all their window signage needs. We love to bring creative designs businesses to come up with to life during the holiday season. Talk to us about getting vinyl graphics for your store. We print, cut, and install graphics.
