Friday, February 22, 2019

Attributes of Good Directional Signage for the Office

Directional signage is crucial tools for any business. They tell people where to go and how to find what they need. If you find your office foot traffic to be a confused mess and visitors tend to get lost, then it may be time to upgrade to a wayfinding signage system that will allow people to get to where they need to be fast and without delay.

Below are things you should remember when having directional signs made for your place of business:
• Carefully study foot traffic so you will know where people arrive and/or congregate. This is the first thing you need to do when formulating a directional signage strategy. Knowing how people naturally move in your space will help you figure out better ways to catch their attention. Use the “breadcrumb” principle to lead people where they need to or where you want them to go. For instance, don’t only place directional signage for exits, stairs, restrooms, or elevators, just a few feet from where these facilities actually are. They should also be placed strategically on the way to these facilities.

• When it comes to wayfinding signage, it is always best to keep things simple. Signs that are crammed with colorful graphics are usually hard to read. Too many elements can cause a sign to lose its utility. Although they do attract attention, they might not be effective in actually pointing people to places they are looking for. Avoid excessive graphics and hard-to-read fonts. Keep your directional signs catchy but simple enough for easy reading. Go bright and bold so that your signs are easy to spot. Use high contrast colours that make your signs pop out their surroundings.
• Finally, trust your sign shop Edmonton. They are the experts, after all. When having wayfinding signs made, choose a company that you can trust and has a good track record in designing and manufacturing truly effective signs. This way, you can rest assured that what you will get will help you achieve your foot traffic goals. This is also why it is important to find a company that has ample experience and expertise in designing signs for the type of business or operation you run, as this will give them the advantage of knowing exactly what works for your office.
3Sixty Sign Solutions is your one stop sign shop in Edmonton. It is dedicated to providing clients the best-quality, expertly designed office and business signs.

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